Burbank Cataract Treatment
Cataract formation is typical later in life as an unfortunate side effect of aging, affecting both men and women usually around the age of 65. Although not everyone will get cataracts, spending a lot of time in the sun, smoking, and other lifestyle factors may increase your chances.
A cataract is essentially a clouding of the eye’s lens and may cause a varying degree of vision obstruction. When cataracts become larger, they can obstruct the lens and interfere with the way your optic system processes light, creating a blurry view. Not all cataracts will cause vision disturbances – sometimes they cause only minor clouding and do not worsen. When the lens loses clarity due to a cataract, the only solution is to replace the lens through cataract surgery.
Cataracts Overview
A diagnosis of cataracts should not worry you too much. Incredible breakthroughs in cataract removal and lens replacement have helped many improve their vision significantly. An annual eye exam is crucial in the early diagnosis and treatment of cataracts, especially since cataracts may take years to form in some patients. Cataracts may also develop quite rapidly, and some patients with only small cataract formations choose to have cataract surgery before any obvious vision impairment occurs.
If you’ve already had your annual eye exam, but begin to notice some changes in your vision, schedule an eye evaluation right away. Patients with cataract formation may experience blurred vision, hazy vision, changes in colors, loss of contrast, impaired night vision, or poor distance vision.
Don’t let cataracts get the best of your vision. Schedule your annual eye exam and explore your cataract removal options. Call or email Berg·Feinfield Vision Correction.
Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery has helped millions of cataract sufferers escape from cloudy vision. Using safe and effective techniques, patients can have their natural, cloudy lenses removed in this minimally invasive, outpatient procedure.

An improvement from traditional cataract surgery where the lens is removed, new methods allow doctors to implant synthetic lenses in replacement of the extracted lens that can improve pre-existing vision problems as well. These new lenses, termed IOLs, can correct varying degrees of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism to give some patients not only freedom from cataract-affected vision but freedom from glasses and contacts as well.
Depending on the severity of your cataracts and your unique vision characteristics, benefits of cataract surgery will be determined. Dr. Berg or Dr. Feinfield will let you know which variation of cataract surgery will suit you best, and discuss the various types of IOLs available for vision improvement.
After a local anesthetic is administered, your doctor will create a small incision and gently remove the cataract material using ultrasound technology. The ReSTOR lens, Crystalens, and ReZoom Lens are three popular types of intraocular lenses that may be placed during cataract surgery to improve vision. Your incision will be allowed to heal without the need for stitch removal. We also offer a variation that does not involve stitches. Typically, if both eyes are affected, only one eye at a time is treated.
Your cataract surgeon will give you healing eye drops and instruct you on post-operative recuperation. You may experience mild light sensitivity and swelling, but wearing sunglasses and over the counter pain relievers will help with any post-operative discomfort. In no time you will be enjoying life, completely cataract-free!
Premium Lens Options
Learn more about cataract surgery in our FAQ section. Find an experienced and caring Los Angeles cataract surgeon right in your backyard. Contact the eye care professionals at Berg·Feinfield Vision Correction for your personal consultation.